Christopher D. Collier, MD
Orthopaedic Surgeon | IU Health Simon Cancer Center | Riley Children's Hospital
Bone | Soft Tissue Tumors
Phone: (317) 944-9400
Fax: (317) 944-5645
Request an Appointment
New Patients
We accept new adult and pediatric patients by self-referral or provider-directed referral.
Please call (317) 944-9400 to schedule.
To avoid delays or repeat office visits, let us know if any of the following is available prior to your first appointment:
Outside imaging studies of the area being evaluated
Includes all old and current x-rays, CT scans, MRIs, PET scans or bone scans. Dr. Collier reviews all imaging personally and therefore requires all outside imaging.
If necessary, CD discs can be requested and picked up from the facility where the imaging was performed by contacting their radiology department. Hospitals may be unable to send imaging studies virtually. Please call our office for more information or assistance.
Recent outside radiology reports, pathology reports, and laboratory results
- If a biopsy has been performed outside the IU Health system, please let our office know so a request can be sent to that facility. The slides from the biopsy may be reviewed to confirm the diagnosis.
Established Patients
Please call (317) 944-9400 to schedule a follow-up appointment.